Volume 2: Waves and Sound
Chapter 1. Oscillations (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Background to Oscillations includes Physics of oscillations Initial conditions for oscillators Frequency of oscillation Energy in oscillation Analysis of pendulum Nonlinear oscillation Nonlinear harmonic motion Damped oscillations Forced oscillation and resonance Helmholtz Oscillator Inertia and the second law Kinematics of Simple Harmonic Motion Hooke's law and elasticity Revise calculus Solving Differential Equations Strings, standing waves and harmonics Chladni patterns Laboratory Downloads
Supporting pages
Chapter 2. Travelling Waves I (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Travelling waves, superposition, reflection and transmission The travelling sine wave Moving frames of reference Oscillations Simple Harmonic Motion Laboratory Downloads
Chapter 3. Travelling Waves II (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages The wave equation and wave speed Wave power, intensity and radiation Differential equations Calculus Laboratory Downloads
Chapter 4. Sound (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Pitch, loudness and timbre Transverse vs longitudinal waves Sound transmission Speed of sound Adiabatic expansion and compression Physics of the sound wave. Wave equation. Acoustic impedance Laboratory
Chapter 5. The Doppler Effect (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages The Doppler Effect Electromagnetic Radiation and the Doppler Effect Shock Waves and the Doppler Effect Laboratory
Chapter 6. Quantifying Sound (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Frequency and Pitch Decibels Hearing Sensitivity Timbre - spectrum Timbre - envelope Acoustic compliance, inertance and impedance
Chapter 7. Interference and consonance (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Phasor addition Tartini tones, consonance and temperament. Interference beats and Tartini tones Linear and non-linear superposition Lissajous figures Chladni patterns
Chapter 8. Standing Waves (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages Travelling waves, superposition, reflection and transmission The travelling sine wave Waves in strings, reflections, standing waves and harmonics Open vs closed pipes (Flutes vs clarinets) Bows and strings Music acoustics
Chapter 9. Human Sound (rich multimedia format)
Supporting pages What is a decibel Hearing Sensitivity Voice acoustics
Further educational sites from Joe Wolfe
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