

graph of dB scale





10 log (P2/P1) dB       这里log以10为底。


10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 2 = 3 dB.

如10  log (P2/P1) against P2/P1关系的图中所示。继续这个实例,如果后者的功率是前者的十倍,则分贝上的差异为

10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 10 = 10 dB.


10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 1,000,000 = 60 dB.

这个实例显示了分贝量度的一个特征,这在讨论声音时很有用:可以用不大的数字来描述非常大的比率。但要注意分贝描述的是一个比率:至此我们还没有提及过扬声器的辐射功率,只是功率的比率。(也请注意定义中因子10使得decibel这个词中带有 'deci')。

声压,声级和分贝。声音通常是用麦克风来测量的,它们的响应基本上正比于声压p。声波的功率,在其他条件都相同的情况下,正比于声压的平方。(类似地,电阻的电功率正比于电压的平方。)x平方的对数是2  log  x,因此当我们将压力转换成分贝时会引入了因子2。因而两个声音p1与p2 之间的声级差是:

20 log (p2/p1) dB   =  10 log (p22/p12) dB   = 10 log (P2/P1) dB       这里log仍以10为底。

我们若把功率减小一倍会怎样?log2为0.3,故log1/2为-0.3。所以若把功率减小一倍,功率减小同时声级减小3 dB。再把功率减小一倍(减小到原来的1/4)声级再次减小3 dB。如果功率持续减半则会有这些比率。

examples of dB, pressure ratios and

如果将两个相同的声音叠加在一起会怎样?声强会增加1倍吗(增加3 dB)?或者声压会增加1倍吗(增加6 dB)?这是一个常见的问题,答案并不直观,请见常见问题解答


以上我们看到,声功率减小1倍,声压则减小2的平方根倍,声级减小3 dB。 这也是我们在第一段中讨论并将在以下音频文件中展示的。

第一个声例是白噪声(所有可听见频率的混合,正如白光是所有可见光的混合)。第二个声例是同样的噪声,但电压减小了2的平方根倍。2的平方根的倒数大约是0.7,因此-3 dB对应电压或者声压原始值的70%。绿线表示电压随时间的变化。红线表示随时间的指数递减。请注意每两个声例电压减小50%。


音频文件和flahs动画由John Tann和George Hatsidimitris制作。



1分贝非常接近声级的最小可觉差 (JND)。当你试听这些文件时,你会注意到最后一个声例比第一个轻一些,但后一个声例比前一个轻就不是很明显了。10*log10(1.26) = 1,因此声级增大1 dB,功率必须增大26%,或者电压增大12%。

如果分贝差小于1会怎样?声级很少以十进制来表示。原因是小于1 dB的声级很难辨别,比如下面这个实例。

你也许会注意到结尾比开始轻一些,但很难注意到相邻声例之间的差别。10*log10(1.07) = 0.3,因此声级增大0.3 dB,功率必须增大7%,或者电压增大3.5%。







sketch of spherically symmetric radiation

    一个声源向各方向等强度辐射的现象称为对称。现考虑一个远离任何反射表面的孤立声源--(比如)鸟在空中鸣叫。以声源为中心,球半径为r。这个源连续输出的总功率是是P。声能量向外辐射并通过球面。如果这个源是对称的,则根据定义,声强I在这个球面上任意处都是相等的。声强的定义为单位面积的功率。球表面积为4 πr2,因此根据定义,通过球面单位平方米的功率(在我们的例子中就是声功率)为:

      I = P/4 πr2
      I2/I1 = r12/r22
      p2/p1 = r1/r2.
    因此,如果我们把距离增大一倍,声压就减小为原来的二分之一,声强减小为原来的四分之一:换言之,声级减小6 dB。如果我们把距离增大到原来的10倍,声级减小20 dB。









What is a logarithm? A brief introduction.

    First let's look at exponents. If we write 102 or 103 , we mean
      102 = 10*10 = 100   and    103 = 10*10*10 = 1000.
    So the exponent (2 or 3 in our example) tells us how many times to multiply the base (10 in our example) by itself. For this page, we only need logarithms to base 10, so that's all we'll discuss. In these examples, 2 is the log of 100, and 3 is the log of 1000. In a multiplication calculation like those above, 101 would mean that there is only one 10 in the product, so 1 is the log of 10, or in other words
      101 = 10.
    We can also have negative logarithms. When we write 10-2 we mean 0.01, which is 1/100, so
      10-n = 1/10n
    Let's go one step more complicated. Let's work out the value of (102)3. This is easy enough to do, one step at a time:
      (102)3 = (100)3 = 100*100*100 = 1,000,000 = 106.
    By writing it out, you should convince yourself that, for any whole numbers n and m,
      (10n)m = 10nm.
    But what if n is not a whole number? Since the rules we have used so far don't tell us what this would mean, we can define it to mean what we like, but we should choose our definition so that it is consistent. The definition of the logarithm of a number a (to base 10) is this:
      10log a = a.
    In other words, the log of the number a is the power to which you must raise 10 to get the number a. For an example of a number whose log is not a whole number, let's consider the square root of 10, which is 3.1623..., in other words 3.16232 = 10. Using our definition above, we can write this as
      3.16232 = (10log 3.1623)2 = 10 = 101.
    However, using our rule that (10n)m = 10nm, we see that in this case log 3.1623*2 = 1, so the log of 3.1623... is 1/2. The square root of 10 is 100.5. Now there are a couple of questions: how do we calculate logs? and Can we be sure that all real numbers greater than zero have real logs? We leave these to mathematicians (who, by the way, would be happy to give you a more rigorous treatment of exponents that this superficial account).

    A few other important examples are worth noting. 100 would have the property that, no matter how many times you multiplied it by itself, it would never get as large as 10. Further, no matter how many times you divided it into 1, you would never get as small as 1/10. Using our (10n)m = 10nm rule, you will see that 100 = 1 satisfies this, so the log of one is zero. The log of 2 is used often in acoustics, and it is 0.3010 (see graph at right). Hence, a factor of 2 in power corresponds to 3.01 dB, which we should normally write as 3 dB because, as you can discover for yourself in hearing response, decimal points of decibels are usually too small to notice.

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    © Joe Wolfe / J.Wolfe@unsw.edu.au.


    log10x vs x.