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Travelling waves, superposition, reflection and transmission
Wave pulses in a stretched string. Equations for a travelling wave. Linear media. Superposition. The limits of linearity. Reflections at fixed and free boundaries. Reflection and transmission at step changes in density. |
The travelling sine wave Describing the travelling sine wave. Comoving and fixed coordinates. y = sin (kx − ωt). Three dimensional plots. Phases in a travelling wave. |
Moving frames of reference Vector addition and subtraction. Position, velocity and acceleration in different frames. |
Oscillations Inertia plus a restoring force produces oscillations. The mechanical equation for Simple Harmonic Motion. Initial conditions. Cyclic and angular frequency. Mechanical and kinetic energies. The simple pendulum. A nonlinear pendulum. Damped oscillations. Forced oscillations. Resonance in one, two and three dimensions. |
Simple Harmonic Motion Simple Harmonic Motion as a projection of circular motion. Displacement, velocity and acceleration. Chladni patterns and sinusoidal vibration. |
The Mexican Wave The mexican wave (or stadium wave) is an example of a travelling wave. |
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