The Foucault pendulum: a simple explanation, some history
about the ideas of inertial frames, some implications, correction of a few common misunderstandings and finally a detailed analysis of the motion.
Foucault Pendulum at the University of New South Wales (animations
require flash
8 plugin)
pendulum ball (above, left) has just been released from in front
of the camera position. The close-up (middle) shows a fine cable
under the handrail of the stairs. Behind this is a line on the
wall. Together they define a reference plane in the North-South
direction, and the pendulum swings in that plane.
hour later, the amplitude of the swing has diminished, and the
plane has precessed about 9 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction
(Sydney is in the Southern hemisphere*). We now see the pendulum
crossing the reference plane.
Why Does The
Orbit Of Foucault's Pendulum Precess?
Suppose* someone
put a pendulum above the South Pole and sets it swinging in a simple arc.
To someone directly above the Pole and not turning with the earth, the
pendulum would seem to trace repeatedly an arc in the same plane while
the earth rotated slowly clockwise below it. To someone on the earth, however,
the earth seems to be stationary, and the plane of the pendulum's motion
would seem to move slowly anticlockwise, viewed from above. We say that
the pendulum's motion precesses. The earth turns on its axis every
23.93 hours, so to the terrestrial observer at the pole, the plane of the
pendulum seems to precess through 360 degrees in that time.
situation is more complicated for other latitudes. On the equator,
the pendulum would not precess at all—its precession period is infinite.
At intermediate latitudes the period has intermediate values. One can
calculate that the precession period for an ideal pendulum and support
system is 23.93 hours divided by the sine of the latitude (see details).
For example, at Sydney's latitude of 34 degrees S, the period is about
43 hours, a precession rate of about one degree every seven minutes, in agreement with the observed motion of our pendulum.
The effect that causes a pendulum to appear to veer slightly to the left
(in the Southern hemisphere) is similar to that responsible for the apparent motion
of the major ocean currents. In the Southern hemisphere these are anticlockwise
(they appear to turn to the left) and conversely in the Northern hemisphere.
One might
choose to say that the earth was stationary but that mysterious forces
make moving objects turn. Using Newton's laws and the known rotation
rate of the earth, one can calculate the size of these "forces", which
are called centrifugal and Coriolis forces, together known as fictitious forces. Because it is so convenient to measure
motion with respect to the surface of the earth, these fictitious forces are often
used in calculation.
The animation
below shows a pendulum swinging above the South pole. At left is the
view from a position high above the equator at midday on the equinox—an
observer near the sun would see this. The view at right is the view
from directly below the South pole. Note how the path, as seen from
the Earth, curves always to the left. (To make the details easy to
see, the pendulum is depicted as very large and very slow. the amplitude
of its motion was chosen equal to the radius of the Earth, and its
period 8 hours: these values have no special significance. The animation
makes some approximations about the motion.
The rotation
of the Earth does, however, account for the direction of the major circulations
of air and wind on the planet. A non-mathematical discussion of the coriolis
forces that give rise to these currents.
The 'plane' of the pendulum's swing is not fixed in space
is worthwhile correcting a common misunderstanding about Foucault's
Pendulum. It is sometimes said (perhaps poetically) that the pendulum swings in
a plane fixed with respect to the distant stars while the Earth rotates beneath it.
This is true at the poles. (It is also true for a pendulum swinging
East-West at the equator.) At all other latitudes, however, it is not true. At all other latitudes, the plane of the pendulum's motion rotates with respect to
an inertial frame.
It is easy to deal with this misunderstanding. Consider a pendulum at the equator, swinging in a North South plane. It's obvious from symmetry that the plane of this pendulum doesn't rotate with respect to the earth and that, relative to an inertial frame, it rotates once every 24 hours.
Alternatively, consider the motion of a point on the earth at a place that is neither at the poles or the equator. During a day, a vertical line at that place traces out a cone, as shown in the sketch at right. (If the earth were not turning, the half angle of the cone would be 90° minus the latitude.) During each cycle of the pendulum, when it reaches its lowest point its supporting wire passes very close to the vertical. So, at each lowest point of the pendulum, its wire is a different line in this cone. This cone is not a plane, so those lines do not all lie in the same plane!
For yet another argument, consider the motion of the pendulum after one rotation of the earth. With respect to the earth, the period of precession of the pendulum is 23.9 hours divided by the sine of the latitude. For most latitudes, this is considerably longer than a day. So, after the earth has turned once, the pendulum has not returned to its original plane with respect to the earth. For example, our pendulum in Sydney precesses at a rate of one degree every seven minutes, or one complete circle in 43 hours.
(I apologise for emphasising this rather obvious point. I only do so because a correspondent has pointed out to me that many web pages about the Foucault pendulum – and even, allegedly, a few old text books! – make the mistake of stating that the pendulum swings in a fixed plane while the earth rotates beneath it.)
So, what is the path of motion of the pendulum? Remember that the point of suspension of
the pendulum is accelerating around Earth's axis. So the forces acting on the pendulum are a little complicated, and to describe its motion requires some mathematics. (Indeed, even talking of a 'plane' of motion on a short time scale is an approximation because even in half a cycle the
supporting wire actually sweeps out a very slightly curved
Foucault Pendulum
Foucault Pendulum at the School of Physics of The University
of New South Wales is a "hands-on" version. There
is no electromagnetic drive but, because of its size once it
is started it will swing for several hours. Visitors are invited
to start it swinging in a plane that is accurately defined
by a fixed vertical wire and a vertical line on the wall. (See
the animation above) The pendulum takes seven minutes to
precess one degree, but even smaller angles than this can be
seen by sighting along the reference plane.
Motion of Foucault's Pendulum
more information about the motion of the Foucault pendulum
by George Hatsidimitris and Zara Pamboukhtchian
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